Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kale Smoothies!....yeah no

Today in the quest for new recipes using greens, we tried Kale Smoothies.

Let's start by saying we have an adventuresome family who is willing to try most foods with an open mind.

Soooo, after looking at a number of recipes on different food blogs that raved about the deliciousness of kale smoothies, I decided to give it a try.

I blended up a batch using a good portion of small bunch of kale, without the stems, with 1 1/2 frozen bananas, most of a bag of frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 tbs. agave syrup and a splash of milk and a few ice cubes.

The recipes said to blend it for a long time to break down the kale so that the drink is a "smooth"ie. So I blended and blended the mixture to a nice gray brown slush.

I warned the husband and the son that this was not chocolate anything and they took a sip.

The husband's first comment was, "It tastes very green, like it's very good for you".
As in, not delicious, but Good. For. You.

The son took a long pull on the straw then made a face like he had just ingested something vile.

Trying not to laugh too hard, I asked, "Nom nom"?

He replied, "NOT nom, Anti-nom"!

The husband gamely finished his but declared, "That last bit is pretty bad"!

I drank mine and feel virtuous but not really ready to have any more. In fact, after two cups of coffee and a carrot, I can still taste it. Not exactly an endorsement.

Some of the recipes called for 2 cups tightly packed kale so I don't think I overdid it but unless you are an uber-hippie, I would recommend passing on the kale smoothies.


  1. We had a similar experience with adding kale to the regular ingredients we send through our juicer. Lets just say we are sticking to spinach for our green component from now on!

    BTW, our regular ingredients are Spinach, Parsley, Celery, Apple, Ginger. Of course, by the time Monday rolls around, we are adding the carrots and beets that haven't been eaten yet.

  2. Thanks Bruce, I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one. If you google "kale smoothie" you will get a bunch of recipes that people think are great. Yuck!
